Imagine the overwhelming anxiety of losing your purse after a busy day or fun night out. All your essentials—your phone, keys, wallet, ID, and even that comforting emergency snack stash—vanish without a trace, leaving you stranded, stressed, and unsure of what to do next. That heart-sinking moment of realization can quickly turn any good day into a disaster. Unfortunately, this exact scenario happened to Georgia following her office Christmas party. What began as a festive, joyful evening took a sudden turn when she discovered her purse was missing.

The stress and panic were immediate. Georgia frantically retraced her steps, hoping to find the misplaced purse. But as the minutes turned into hours and no luck came her way, her anxiety grew, and reality hit hard—her entire night had been ruined, and she had no idea what to do next.
That’s when fate decided to send a hero her way. His name was Nyma Zadeh, a firefighter who, despite being off duty, would soon change Georgia’s entire night for the better.
It all started when Nyma was going about his evening, making a routine stop at a local gas station. As he was filling up his car, something out of place caught his eye—a purse, left abandoned near a recycling bin. Most people would’ve ignored it, assuming someone else would eventually pick it up or perhaps that it was already lost beyond recovery. But Nyma wasn’t most people.
He immediately thought about the person who had lost the bag, imagining their stress and frustration. A memory of his ex-girlfriend came to mind—she had once lost her own purse, and he vividly remembered how upset she had been. In that moment, Nyma knew exactly what he had to do. Without a second thought, he picked up the purse and began looking for any clues as to who it belonged to.
Inside the purse, he found everything Georgia had been desperately searching for: her phone, her keys, her identification, and the small items she likely relied on to get through her day. But Nyma also found something even more important—Georgia’s address.
It would have been easy for him to simply leave the bag at the gas station’s lost-and-found or drop it off at a nearby police station. After all, it was already late, and Nyma had his own plans for the evening. But something told him that returning the purse personally was the right thing to do. He understood the level of stress Georgia was likely going through, and the last thing he wanted was for her to spend the entire night worrying.
So, he made a decision: he would return the purse himself. Despite the hour, despite the fact that he was off duty, Nyma decided to drive over an hour through the night to Georgia’s home.
Meanwhile, back at her house, Georgia had given up hope for the evening. Exhausted, she had resigned herself to dealing with the ordeal the next morning. Little did she know, her night was about to take a remarkable turn.
The scene was captured by Georgia’s ring doorbell camera—a moment that would soon go viral and touch the hearts of people everywhere. The footage shows Nyma walking up to Georgia’s front porch, clutching the purse in his hand as if it were a priceless treasure. He gently knocked on the door, and when Georgia appeared, he simply asked, “Are you Georgia?”
The look of pure relief and disbelief on Georgia’s face was priceless. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she could hardly believe that a stranger had gone out of their way to return something so important to her. It was clear from her expression that the lost purse had caused her more than just inconvenience—it had left her stressed, anxious, and nearly in tears. But Nyma’s unexpected kindness changed everything.

In that moment, Georgia knew she had to repay Nyma for his efforts. She tried to offer him a reward, wanting to show her appreciation in any way she could. But Nyma wasn’t interested in money or rewards. His response was simple, yet incredibly meaningful: “Just pay it forward.”
He went on to explain that his ex-girlfriend had once gone through a similar situation, and he had remembered how much stress she had endured. He didn’t want Georgia to suffer in the same way, and that was why he had acted so quickly. For Nyma, it wasn’t about recognition or compensation—it was about doing what was right.
“I’m a firefighter,” he explained, “I don’t need money for doing a good deed.” With those words, Nyma handed Georgia her purse, smiled, and disappeared into the night, leaving behind not just the purse, but a lasting memory of kindness that Georgia would carry with her for years to come.
But the story didn’t end there.
The internet, being what it is, was instantly curious about the mysterious man who had gone above and beyond to help a stranger. Thanks to the viral doorbell footage, it didn’t take long for Nyma’s identity to be uncovered. The online community rallied around his act of kindness, and soon, Nyma found himself the subject of admiration from people all over the world.
Despite the newfound attention, Nyma remained humble. When asked about the incident, his only concern was whether the purse had gotten too dirty after sitting in the recycling bin where he had first found it. His modesty and selflessness only made his actions more remarkable, solidifying him as a true hero in the eyes of those who heard the story.
But this wasn’t Nyma’s first brush with heroism. In fact, helping others seemed to come naturally to him. He had previously reunited a lost dog with its owner, a good deed that was met with overwhelming gratitude. The owner of the dog was so appreciative that they made a donation to the Firefighters Charity in Nyma’s name.
These acts of kindness were part of Nyma’s everyday life. He didn’t see them as extraordinary, but rather as the right thing to do—whether he was on duty or off, helping others was simply who he was. In a world that can often feel disconnected and impersonal, Nyma’s compassion was a reminder that true kindness still exists.
After the viral doorbell footage spread online, Georgia and Nyma eventually met again—this time in the light of day. Their reunion was a beautiful reminder that not all heroes need the cover of night to do good. Nyma’s kindness shone just as brightly in broad daylight as it had during his late-night mission to return the purse.
For Georgia, the entire experience was life-changing. What started as a night of panic and stress transformed into a story of generosity and compassion—one that she would never forget. Nyma’s actions reminded her, and all of us, that there are still people in the world who are willing to go the extra mile to help others.

She Could Barely Walk or Breathe When Rescuers Found Her
In the end, Nyma’s simple yet profound decision to return the lost purse serves as a testament to the power of small acts of kindness. Sometimes, it’s the smallest gestures—like driving an hour in the middle of the night—that make the biggest difference.
Nyma’s story is a beautiful reminder that in a world full of challenges and uncertainty, there are still those who embody the spirit of generosity, selflessness, and humanity. His actions restore our faith in the goodness of people, and his legacy is one of kindness—proving that real heroes walk among us every day, sometimes carrying nothing more than a lost purse and a heart full of compassion.
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@bowsboutiquesWe had the Bows Christmas Party last night the pics to follow but I wanted to share this video… one of the girls lost her handbag and this guy came to Hertfordshire from North London to bring it back because he found it!! It’s safe to say he was the hero and we are all at Bows so grateful for making our girl so happy ❤️ how amazing is this to do and a huge THANK YOU ☺️