A woman named Clanay was alarmed when she heard strange wailing coming from her neighbor’s yard. Unsure of what was happening, she went to his door to investigate. The man, visibly shaken and in a state of shock, explained that his dog had been outside when she stumbled upon a litter of newborn puppies in the backyard. Less than 24 hours old, the pups were clearly in need of urgent help.
Clanay quickly stepped in to care for the tiny pups, determined to give them a fighting chance. After making a few calls, she uncovered the heartbreaking truth: the puppies had been abandoned by a backyard breeder. The breeder, upon discovering that the puppies were severely ill and unfit for sale, heartlessly dumped them in the yard before fleeing the scene.
Despite the grim situation, Clanay’s swift action brought hope to the litter. She vowed to do everything in her power to nurse them back to health and ensure they received the care they deserved.
Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo
According to Clanay, in the clip below, the pups were so tiny that they looked more like hamsters than dogs. She named Lucky when she saw him for the first time; she was certain he would not survive. He was smaller and less powerful than his brothers and sisters.
Unfortunately, as each puppy died, Clanay had accepted that Lucky wouldn’t live long. She wasn’t going to give up on him, but she had to prepare herself. She was already beginning to form a connection with the little guy. Despite his poor health and stature, his spirit was incredibly strong. She decided she would take him home from the clinic.
Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo
Clanay was astounded to discover that despite having so many obstacles, Lucky was determined to eat. This convinced Clanay that Lucky wanted to live. To get as many nutrients as possible into the baby, she alternated between bottle and syringe feeding. And it worked! A week went by; then two weeks; and, amazingly, Lucky was still alive.
Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo
Clanay and her family were ecstatic when Lucky first opened his eyes. She realized then that he had a good chance of surviving. Her primary objective was to get him to eight weeks old before she could rest somewhat. When Clanay found out that Lucky was blind, she encountered several obstacles along the road, especially because Clanay wanted to keep him alive.
Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo
The veterinarian advised removing one of Lucky’s eyes surgically when he was older because it was so damaged. Lucky grew and developed. He was a lot of fun to be around, and he was exceptionally nice. Even though he was blind, he made every effort to enjoy life to the utmost degree possible.
Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo
Clanay brought Lucky into the clinic at four months old to have his sight removed. The tiny dog went really well during surgery and recovered swiftly. Clanay was able to return home with Lucky in a few days. She inquired why, and he responded, “Lucky is also albino.”.
Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo
Lucky’s doctor informed Clanay and the rest of his family that he had a rare brain disease. Clanay was speechless, especially when she learned about additional issues Lucky would face as a result of this diagnosis. Clanay didn’t care if Lucky had a “normal” existence; all she cared about was giving him the best possible life.
Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube Video – TheDodo
Clanay became his legal mother and accepted all of Lucky’s health issues with such elegance (as did Lucky!) To watch more about the incredible dog and his amazing mom, watch the video below. It is well worth your time! We are indebted to Clanay for saving Lucky’s life!
Watch this heartwarming rescue and be sure to SHARE this with a fellow friend or family member!